The Future Fishing Training Program — Presentation Video

Documentary-style presentation of the Future Fishing Training Program, a program to help visualize futures
2 Nov 2017
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Pre­sen­ta­tion video of the “Future Fish­ing Train­ing Pro­gram” — a ser­vice aimed at co-cre­at­ing spec­u­la­tive arte­facts and help pri­vate and pub­lic insti­tu­tions build unique future visions. This video takes the form of a fic­tion­al doc­u­men­tary, or “faux­c­u­men­tary,” pre­sent­ing a near-future embod­i­ment of the FF Insti­tute and its rather eso­teric meth­ods and devices. The whole is guid­ed by an inter­view with FFTP co-founder Edel Sau­va Dreight.

Vis­it the Future Fish­ing Train­ing Program


Ida Kos­ki
Diana Ner­an­ti
Min­na Par­ta­nen
Christi­na Hof­stät­ter
Alex­ey Loginov

Special thanks

Amrei Andrasch /​ Stu­dio Keen On Mars
Muse­um Kessel­haus Herzberge